.: Fishrise

Probably the simplest recipe in the world. Già, probabilmente una delle ricette più semplici al mondo: le sarde fritte.

You just need to buy fresh and beautiful sardine. Let them in some water and lemon for one hour or more. Then just roll them in flour and fry them in hot sunflower oil. They’re like a beautiful sunrise.

.: I don’t need no doctor

Hard times, we all know. Stiamo in casa, speriamo, incrociamo le dita. We cross fingers, we stay home, we hope for the better. Speriamo non ci serva un dottore. Allora… mele.

150 gr sugar – zucchero
2 eggs – uova
200 gr flour – farina
baking powder – lievito per dolci
milk – latte
butter – burro

oven – cottura 180°C around 30 minutes

Cut the apples in slices. You can wet them in lemon juice or in some cake liqueur (in Italy we often use Sassolino)

Mix sugar and eggs. Add flour, baking powder and a bit of milk if you feel it’s getting too thick. Then oil your pan with butter, put the dough inside, decorate with the apple slices and put some small pieces of butter on top. Oven will do the rest… a humble pie to keep doctors away

:. Stone cold fever

How to cuddle yourself in such hard times? Pumpking soup is the answer. Visto che in casa si tende a smangiucchiare e ingrassare, vi propongo una ricetta buonissima a base di verdure e patate: la zuppa di zucca.

onion – cipolla
pumpkin – zucca
potatoes – patate
carrots – carote
evo oil – olio evo
spices (paprika, turmeric, pepper, chili pepper, ginger, cinnamon) – spezie (paprica, curcuma, pepe, peperoncino, zenzero, cannella)

mince the onion, and brown it in the oil with the spices you like

then add the pumpkin, and the potatoes

add the minced carrots too, some water and salt

let it boil for about 30 minutes, then mash it up with a blender.

Let’s all fight against this stone cold fever


.: I’ve got chocolate

I am late. In fact this was done on November the 2nd. Apart from Halloween… è la commemorazione dei defunti. We remember people we have loved and lost. And this is my dark and sweet homage to a sweet sweet friend I lost very long ago, but never forget. She taught me to cook this great chocolate cake and she taught me I’ve got life.

and I gave my recipe to you just the same she gave it to me:

For the crust:

250 gr flour – farina
150 gr sugar – zucchero
2 eggs – 2 uova
100 gr butter
1 small spoon of baking powder

For the filling:

1 egg – 1 uovo
150 gr black chocolate (to melt) – cioccolato fondente
200 ml sweet cream – panna
3 spoons of sugar

cook: 180°C ++ for about 40 minutes (check the crust)

I know… it needs some work… melt the chocolate, melt the butter…

but hey: good things need some work.

Do the crust first and put it in the pan (butter and flour on the bottom)… no need to say it doesn’t have to be perfect…

then mix the ingredients for the filling

and place the cream inside

you’re done…almost. Be careful when cooking: it’s gonna grow pretty much… and then… get down later

do you think it’s not looking good ? you’re wrong

that’s the way it has to look… and you’ll love it

wanna make it even better ? reduce quantities for the crust… you’ll love more chocolate…

‘cause black is the best part. Ask Ms. Lauryn Hill