.: Follow your heart

And finally summer is over… and we can turn on our oven! L’estate torrida è finita e si può riaccendere il forno, Così ho deciso di rispolverare un mio vecchio classico e… seguire il mio cuore! So follow your heart and go back to classics: simple and nice biscuits for your breakfast.

1 egg – 1 uovo

100 gr sugar – zucchero

100 gr butter – burro

200 gr flour – farina

baking powder – lievito per dolci

Mix for first sugar and the egg. Add the melt butter and the flour with some baking powder in the end. Lay the dough and make your shapes. Cook at 170 °C for about 15 minutes.

Sbattete zucchero e uovo, aggiungete il burro e incorporate la farina col lievito. Stendete e fate le vostre formine come vi pare. Cuocete a circa 170 °C per 15 minuti.

and then… follow your heart

.: I hate myself for loving you

Turning on your oven in summer is a hell… col caldo dell’estate, accendere il forno è un inferno! Però a volte non puoi stare senza pizza- But sometimes you really want some pizza and you have to go through hell for it.

Anyway, I’m improving my technique, so let’s try this:

100 gr farina manitoba – manitoba flour

300 gr farina 0 – 0 flour

300 ml acqua water

12 gr lievito di birra – brewer’s yeast

sale – salt

olio evo – evo oil

mozzarella cheese

salsa di pomodoro – tomato sauce

origano – oregano

farcitura a piacere – your favourite toppings

Melt the yeast in some water with a pinch of sugar ‘till it’s liquid. Sciogliete il lievito di birra in un po’ dell’acqua con un pizzico di zucchero. Then put it in the flour and mix a bit. Poi versatelo nella farina e mescolate un po’. Poi aggiungete altra acqua, l’olio e il sale e mescolate finchè diventa una palla morbida. The add the rest of the water, some oil (like 2 spoons) and some salt. Mix until you have a soft ball of pasta. Then put in in a protect place for like 3 hours (for example in your oven but turned off! Poi mettetela a lievitare in un posto chiuso per circa 3 ore. Io la metto nel forno spento.

Dopo 3 ore stendetela in una teglia sulla carta forno e poi lasciatela lievitare ancora un’oretta. Then lay it on a tray with some baking paper and let it stay another hour in the turned off oven.

Just before cooking it, pinch it a little bit with a fork. fate dei buchini in giro con una forchetta prima di iniziare a cucinarla. Mettete sopra il pomodoro mixato con l’olio e un po’ di origiano e cuocete per 10 minuti a 250°C. Put on top the tomato sauce mixed with some oil and oregano, then cook for 10 minutes at 250°C.

Last step: take it out, put the mozzarella on top and the rest of the toppings. Turn it 180°C (for homogenous cooking) and finish cooking for another 10 minutes, same temperature. Ultimo step: tiratela fuori dal forno, aggiungete la mozzarella e il resto e cuocete altri 10 minuti, stessa temperatura. You’ll hate yourself for loving pizza during summer…

.: Amazing graze

The simplest and most graceful of all pasta: garlic and oil. Aglio e olio: il trionfo della grazia e della semplicità. Looks simple, but you have to be careful: garlic can easily burn.

Put in the pan the oil with the minced garlic and parsley. Brown everything for a few minutes with very low fire. Add spices.
Than cook the pasta in salted water.
When the pasta is done, drain and put it in the pan for mixing.

Mettete nella padella l’olio, l’aglio, il prezzemolo e le spezie. Rosolate per poco a fuoco basso
Aggiungete la pasta scolata e spadellate tutto.

If you do it right you will taste… amazing grace

.: Think

Really simple! Veramente semplice! Zucchine e formaggio. Zucchini and cheese.

cipolla – onion
olio evo – evo oil
curcuma – turmeric
paprika dolce – sweet paprika
pepe – pepper
zucchine – zucchini
parmigiano – parmesan
emmenthal or whatever cheese you like

Put in the pan the oil with the minced onion, the spices and the zucchini cut in small pieces. Brown everything for a few minutes with low fire. Turn off the fire and add in the pan the chees in small pieces.
Than cook the pasta in salted water.
When the pasta is almost done, turn on the fire again under the pan and add the parmesan.
Drain the pasta and put it in the pan for mixing.

Mettete nella padella l’olio, la cipolla, le spezie e le zucchine a piccoli pezzi.
Rosolate per pochi minuti e spegnete. Aggiungete l’emmenthal e lasciatelo fondere.
Intanto cuocete la pasta.
Quando è quasi cotta riaccendete il fuoco sotto la padella, aggiungete il parmigiano e poi la pasta scolata e spadellate tutto.

enjoy and think!

.: I love you more than rock’n’roll

English language have much more words than italian, but… when it comes to food you can find weird things: I’m not sure there are two different words for totani and calamari… or they’re both called squid? I don’t know. Anyway… questa ricetta potete farla coi calamari o con i totani, sarà sempre mooooolto buona. You get the kind of squid you like best, results will be nice either way. And we need something good for our body and soul… so let’s go. This recipe takes some (cooking) time, but it’s very simple and anyone can do it.

evo oil – olio evo
onion – cipolla
garlic – aglio
parsley – prezzemolo
sweet paprika – paprica dolce
turmeric – curcuma
ginger – zenzero
pepper – pepe
chili pepper – peperoncino
tomato sauce – salsa di pomodoro
potatoes – patate
Deve cuocere almeno 1 ora, quindi non è una ricetta velocissima. Must cook for at least 1 hour, so it’s not a quick one.

Of course, first you need to mince onion, garlic and parsley

I especially love garlic with fish, so I put a lot of it in the pan

Also you need to have the potatoes ready and of course the rings of squid. Ora siete pronti per fare un quadro astratto in padella: the pan will be your modern art work: put the oil, the onion, the spices and the garlic (last, after the onion is a bit colored)

then put the fish in. Fate rosolare 5 minuti gli anelli nell’olio-aglio-cipolla-spezie

just 5 minutes. Then you will add the tomato sauce and the potatoes

Mix, cover the pan, let it cook for 1 hour. Mescolate, coprite e lasciate cuocere per 1 ora.

You can also make it without potatoes… Sì, potreste anche farli senza patate…

but you’ll regret it ! Ma ve ne pentireste !

Potatoes make it gorgeous…better than rock’n’roll… well, I’m not sure